Ahmed, E., Abd-Elrehem, M., Nasrt, S. (2003). DEVELOPING ROLES OF SOME SINGLE CLASSSCHOOLS AT GIZA AND BEHEARA GOVERNORATES. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, 28(12), 8099-8115. doi: 10.21608/jaess.2003.246503
Efat A. Ahmed; Maha M. F. Abd-Elrehem; Sonia M. M. Nasrt. "DEVELOPING ROLES OF SOME SINGLE CLASSSCHOOLS AT GIZA AND BEHEARA GOVERNORATES". Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, 28, 12, 2003, 8099-8115. doi: 10.21608/jaess.2003.246503
Ahmed, E., Abd-Elrehem, M., Nasrt, S. (2003). 'DEVELOPING ROLES OF SOME SINGLE CLASSSCHOOLS AT GIZA AND BEHEARA GOVERNORATES', Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, 28(12), pp. 8099-8115. doi: 10.21608/jaess.2003.246503
Ahmed, E., Abd-Elrehem, M., Nasrt, S. DEVELOPING ROLES OF SOME SINGLE CLASSSCHOOLS AT GIZA AND BEHEARA GOVERNORATES. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, 2003; 28(12): 8099-8115. doi: 10.21608/jaess.2003.246503
Agrlculture Extension and Rural Developmenl Research Institute
This study was conducted at Giza and Beheara Governorales where most single class studenls lI)(isted. Tht sample Ilze reaches 85 beneficial/3~ teachers from Giza, 116 bene leiall 84 teachers from Beheara (all remales).
Data glthering was done through qI.Jtslionnaire and personal intel'View,
Stltl$tlcal Inatyzed using percentage. frequencies, T·tesl, qui square, simple correlation, mulliple regreSSion and step wise analysis to reach the consequent results.
The sludy aimed to recognize Ihe developing role 0' single class school& by dlifining any possiDle changes of the levet of educ.1tional and social achievement al Giza and Be~eara Governorates.
The ,. •• u" waa •• loUowlng: •
High level of educalional achievement (50%) at Giza compared with (18%) al eeheara.
Medium high IeveJ 01 social actlievemenl (53.5%) at Giza compared wilh (18%) II Beheara.
There" 8 staticaQy regionat dilference of educalionall sOCJal developing roles.
The eOuca\lonll ac:hlevemenl was allected by the _tudent age in Giza where Ille social achievement was etreded by school reliability, school year and annual family Income,
In Giza educational aclilevement was effeded by oulslde cu~ure inleraction and annual amily income,
In suffICient faw materials and training lClcili\ies lack of rnaenme m.inlenance waS difficuny
'acing the single claS! studenls, I
low salaries and incentives of leachers are also facing ditflcuhles in t~ose schools.
Suggestions were explored to overcome these difficulties as prov!CIing the financial support to buy loots and malacial" making wall fencing arOIlr.d lhe IIChoo!. Ie pltVlew the subjects provided to the students and edifice the parenls for the vnportante of those scllools through the media